Saturday, June 5, 2010

"This is a test. It is only a test."

So, today was test day at Farrell's. This is where we mere mortals find out how badly we need to get into shape. I was completely prepared to be disappointed by my body and it's abilities. I'm thrilled to report that I wasn't horribly disappointed and that my test day results weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Am I ready for a marathon? Well, yes - if it involves a bowl of popcorn and eight consecutve episodes of Beverly Hills 90210. If it involves a finish line at the end of 26 miles, then no. But, maybe for the first time, it's not out of the realm of possibilities. Someday.

The rundown of my morning consisted of some fairly agonizing numbers; like weight, measurements and my fat percentage. I wasn't crazy about any of them, but they have only one way to go.....down! I met my other team members, recognizable by the fear in their eyes and the desperation in their handshakes. We aren't alone in the Farrell's World, and what a feeling that quickly became.

During presentations and fitness testing, I couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement we were all feeling and the motivation the instructors and coaches inspired us with. They've been where we are and they were there to show us how far we can go. Music blared and everyone cheered us on with each push up, sit up and step of our mile run . . . and somewhere between walking in the doors and throwing my tired body into my car at the end of the morning, I went from being scared (ok, terrified) to determined and confident.

Somewhere, at some point I realized that while it's up to me to make my transformation, I'm not really doing it alone. I have friends and family who are supporting me along the way. And some of them I met today!

This is not only a test. It's my life.

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