Friday, June 11, 2010

Hamstrings, quads and glutes....oh MY!

What's more humbling than test day at Farrell's?

Grabbing ahold of the towel rack in the bathroom to hoist your "dead from the waist down" body off the toilet.

TMI? I don't care. If you've worked out your legs to the point of what my instructor calls, 'total muscle failure', you know exactly what I'm talking about. We've all been there.

Lower body workout yesterday. At one point, I saw the depths of hell. No, seriously. My legs, particularly my hamstrings - were burning so badly that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to drive home last night. Who am I kidding? I was afraid that I'd have to crawl to the car, ask an 89 year old lady to give me a shove into the passenger side and give her a $20 to drive me home.

These bands - where did they come from? Who invented them and who, in their right mind, thought that wrapping one end around your knee and slipping the other end over your opposite foot and then stretch that leg as far out as possible (appropriately called a mule kick, because I felt like a jackass for being such a wimp) for 32 reps was a good thing?

We did all sorts of monstrous and torturous things with the bands. We lunged, we squatted, we kicked, we pulled, we forced our ass muscles to wake up from their Rip Van Winkle-esque sleep and decide to play a pivotal role in well, our asses. I knew I had glutes, but they were kind of like my highschool yearbooks- stored away, under a bunch of junk and never looked at again. I doubt that I'll haul the yearbooks out, but it's high time I make use of my ass muscles; they've been stored under too much junk for too long.

So, today I'm welcoming back my gluteal muscles. I imagine they'll make me pay in all sorts of painful ways for neglecting them for so long. I suppose I deserve that.

Bring on the bands, baby!

My ass has been waiting.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I WISH I could put it all into words like you do in my blog! Excellent and right on target girl! I've been feeling pretty good this week but this morning in class I realized how much yesterday's band class on the lower body kick my ass! I hurt beyond the explanation of words!

    Good luck today!
